Don’t just be alive, LIVE!

Don’t just be alive, LIVE!

Matthew 4: 4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

The gospel of Matthew chapter 4 and verse, 4 brings a question to my mind that I want to ask. I have asked this question to many people that seem to waver up and down with their Christian walk. The question is this, are you living or are you just alive?

In verse 4 Satan temps Jesus to turn stones into bread. Now Jesus had just ended a 40 day fast so naturally, He was starving. Temptations’ greatest strength always comes at our weakest moments. Sisters and brothers, be aware, alert, and watchful when you’re at a place in life where you feel weak and need a blessing from God. This is often when temptation came come in and gets you way off quoting. During these times we often forget the power we have in living for God.

Satan comes to our Lord when Jesus is more hungry than He has ever been, he tempts Him in three ways. This is what the bible calls tri-bulation, three (tri) troubles at once, tribulation. The tempter comes at Jesus’ spirit, “if you are the son of God”; His soul, follow me and turn these rocks to bread; and His body, then you will have food to eat. One trouble at a time is more than many can deal with, but three at once can break most of us down.

Jesus stands against satan by quoting a verse from Deuteronomy 8:3. Here Moses reminds Israel how they were tested 40 years in the wilderness just as satan tested Jesus after 40 days in the desert. The words Jesus tells satan are the same that Moses told Israel, the difference is Jesus lived it and Israel did not. Applying the word of God to your life is true living, if you do not do this, you are just alive.

Don’t just be alive, but Live for God, live for Jesus Christ, live led by the Holy Spirit – LIVE!