Sermons on The Kingdom of God
The Rejection
When Israel rejected God as King a door opens for the rest of the world to take part in the kingdom. What turns out to be bad for Israel ends up being very good for the believers in Christ today. Pastor McDuffie ministers to us today about the rejection of God as King.
The Laws of God’s Kingdom
In part 2 of the Kingdoms series, God’s kingdom has started, now He has to set up a government. The next action is to put laws in place because without laws and structure, the kingdom would be in chaos. God put laws in place as His first act as king of Israel. This sermon titled, “The laws of God’s kingdom” explains those laws and gives further understanding and clarity into God’s kingdom.
The beginning of the kingdom of God
What is the difference between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God? Many people ask this question only to be given the wrong answer. In this sermon series, Pastor Lennon McDuffie breaks down the kingdoms. In part 1, he explains when and why the kingdom of God started. Part 2 – 5 will go further into the two kingdoms to answer the questions you have for a long time.